Monday, February 10, 2025

Yale Alumni College: Celebrating Opera


Yale professor Dan Egan will teach a six-week seminar for Yale alumni in Westchester in March-April, 2025 (Yale photo)

Yale Alumni College will sponsor and present a six-week course in Rye, N.Y., for Westchester alumni, "Celebrating Opera: Sight, Sound and Emotion," taught by Yale professor Dan Egan from the Yale School of Music on Mondays at 4-6 pm from March 10-April 14. Alumni in the area are invited to join the course and should register by clicking the link below.

The sessions will be held at the The Osborn in Rye, 101 Theal Road.  

As an amalgam of the arts, opera offers multiple points of entry for the audience, but ultimately, the art form is defined by its music. Changing attitudes across time toward opera’s place in the cultural discussion have precipitated an array of storytelling strategies as well as the incursion of political perspectives, theatrical innovations, and new musical styles. 

This six-week course will explore opera from multiple eras with a focus on both its fundamental musical perspective as well as its larger cultural significance.


The session will begin by exploring “why we love opera” with excerpts from multiple eras, composers, and operatic styles of storytelling. Subsequent sessions will build on this foundation with a guided discussion of a single opera and/or compositional style each week. A video performance will be assigned for each class to ensure that everyone has had a similar opportunity to experience the week’s topic before class.


The course is open to anyone interested in opera, from the dabbler to the devotée. Various levels of knowledge and analytical acuity will be welcome additions to discussion. No singing will be required.

A graduate of the School of Music, Prof. Egan is a lecturer and has been an advisor to undergraduates for projects and programs in music and theater. He teaches courses and has led special programs in the history of Americal musical theater and the work of composer Stephen Sondheim. He has spoken frequently at Yale alumni events and Yale reunions. 

Prof. Egan has performed at the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic and the Manhattan Theater Club. He has sung on recordings with the New York City Opera. 

YACOL Rye-Celebrating Opera: Sight, Sound, and Emotion


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