Sunday, October 27, 2019

Whiffs '20 in White Plains Nov. 9

The Yale Whiffenpoofs 2019-2020 will present a concert in White Plains Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019 at 7:30 pm as part of the performance series of Downtown Music at Grace.  Ticket prices range from $15-25 for students, seniors and adults. Tickets can be purchased at the venue (Grace Episcopal Church, 33 Church Street). (For more about purchasing tickets in advance, click Whiffs-Tickets.)

This year's version of the Whiffs will have just returned from a southern swing where they will perform in late October in Atlanta, Savanah and Charleston. They are scheduled to sing in Singapore and Taiwan during spring break '20.

This is the second year in a row the formerly all-male group has included a female singer. Neha Bhatt '20, who sings tenor, is a biomedical engineering major from Minnesota. The Whiffs '20 also include Rye's David Townley '20, a baritone and mathematics major. Another Rye native Danny Keller '18 sang with the group two years ago. The group performed in Rye in April, 2018.

For over 30 years, Downtown Music at Grace has sponsored concerts featuring artists from around the world. Timothy Lewis serves as musical director. His writings are church music have been published by Yale.

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