Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Return to School, 2019

(YWAA photos)

On campus at Yale in early September, first-year students have found a new college home. Older students have returned to campus to resume an intensity of study and extracurricular activity that came to a pause last May.  The campus has been revived again. Some will say it's one of the best times of year. Trees have leaves. Jackets aren't necessary. Snow isn't on the ground. Residential college courtyards provide comfort for residents who sit in huddles on the ground and contemplate course loads, majors and favorite fall events.

Fall, 2019, at Yale also features the celebration of women at Yale, which is highlighting two anniversaries--the 50th anniversary of women enrolling as undergraduates and the 150th anniversary of women attending as graduate students. The campus wears banners and signage to recognize the anniversary and pay tribute to important turning points in school history.

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